Be your own boss.
Make your mark. Turn your Vision into Reality.

Step 1: Make a Plan.

Starting your own business isn't just a job - it's a way of life.
Richard Branson

Step 2: Invest and Organize.

Coach TIP
Purchasing an existing business can be an expedient way to get into business for yourself. The business, customer base, products and services, and systems already exist. However, you will also need to do in-depth analysis and due diligence to ensure that the business is a good opportunity and has potential for growth. There is also the matter of funding the purchase to consider, and how to ensure you pay a fair price. While it may seem to be a quicker way to become a business owner this option will also require keen negotiating skills.
Lee Iacocca
In the end, all business operations can be reduced to three words: people, product, and profits.

Step 3: Launch it.

Coach TIP
When it is time to put your new business on the web, it is helpful to understand the basic process:
1) Purchase an available web domain (eg. www.mycompany.com).
2) Get it hosted (most DIY design sites offer domains and hosting).
3) Design your site.
4) Develop the content.
5) Proof the Content + Test the site
6) Test SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
6) You're up and running!

The Four P's of Marketing
Marketing is putting the right PRODUCT in the right PLACE at the right TIME. The 4 P’s of marketing include:
· Product(s) and/or Service(s)
· Price
· Promotion
· Place
The product(s) and/or service(s) that your small business offers should fulfill a perceived customer need...