Your Personal Brand
You are the Owner and CEO of the 'YOU' Company. You're also the Sales Manager and Social Media Specialist. How do 'YOU' look to potential employers?




Coach TIP
If you are applying for your DREAM job, consider working with your coach to customize your resume and cover letter to maximize your strengths for the specific job description. In certain careers and executive-level positions, there may be a need for other types of self-marketing documents. CV’s, Executive Summaries or Bio’s may be needed.
Resumes, C.V.’s, Executive Summaries or Bio’s should be updated on a regular basis (at least once a year, but more effectively, once a quarter) so they are available when opportunity knocks.

Coach TIP
The first thing you need to know about negotiation is this: When you receive a job offer, the time frame for negotiation begins.
Once you accept the position, negotiation ends.
Make an impression.
Represent your authentic self in person and on-line.

Coach TIP
REA's Online Career Center has a great interactive tool for practicing Interviewing called “Interview Stream”. Tape and video yourself answering pre-defined questions to see how you do. Practice until you are satisfied with your responses. Your coach can review your recordings and offer advice as well. Ask your coach for access to Employment Talk and assistance in working with Interview Stream”.
I'm not a business man. I'm a business, man.
Entertainer, Jay Z

'YOU'. Online.
How do YOU show up on Social Media? Would You hire YOU?

Coach TIP
According to a recent Jobvite survey, 83% of people looking for a job say they use Facebook in their social media search, compared to 36% who use LinkedIn. Some 40% use Twitter. Jobvite also surveyed recruiters, 94% of whom use LinkedIn, while 65% use Facebook, and 55% use Twitter.