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Assessments: It's all about YOU!

When taking assessments, try not to over-think the questions.

First, think about yourself!

Ask yourself:

What are your values, interests and skills?

What kind of personality do you have?

What type of work environment are you most comfortable in?

What sort of work activities do you enjoy most? (e.g. manipulating images on a computer screen, selling, reading, being outdoors)

This sort of self-reflection is most useful if it is recorded on paper or a computer. Self-scrutiny is valuable, but there are also limitations. Keep in mind:

We can only scrutinize what we are conscious of.

Some of the notions that our conscious mind fixates on may be highly dubious.

Since we don't see ourselves with complete clarity, it is good to bring outside sources into the picture. These can be other people who can check our thinking, friends or even acquaintances.

Another way of getting feedback about yourself from outside sources is to take career inventories (also called assessments).

As to expectations, don't count on the results to disclose a major revelation. If you are in the midst of a career change, don't expect to see a direction arrow written in the sky and pointing to a single word. The benefits of taking assessments are more subtle.

Assessments may help in these ways:

  • Reinforce that you are more well suited to your present career than you may think

  • Point you toward a career that you have considered but never pursued

  • Identify vocational options that you have not considered

  • Spotlight interests and talents the you had when you were young but never pursued as a vocation

  • Serve as inspiration to reach new possibilities

It is often in discussing the results with a seasoned professional coach, that interesting possibilities emerge and take shape!

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